As Obodo continues to build out the Urban Farm, staff used Earth Day as an opportunity to welcome the community in and celebrate their flagship mural. It was imperative to Obodo that they collaborated with local artist to help beautify the otherwise dilapidated Historic Westside.
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Obodo Executive Director Tameka, honored at 9th annual "African American Trailblazer Awards"1/19/2023 Tameka Henry was honored by the City of Las Vegas as the recipient of the "Community Activism and Politics" award. "There are so many people struggling within in our communities, sometimes standing in the gap for them and helping in seemingly small ways is the push they need to keep striving"
Read the full article here. Cheyenne Kyle participates in "Succor the Southwest" a TedX Event focused on climate solutions10/22/2022 Local activist come together to inspire and uplift community with solutions to the critical climate issues. Kyle's presentation "How localizing our food system can help save the world" focuses on hyperlocal food systems and environmental stewardship. She explains how these solutions can mitigate climate change but also food justice issues such as food security. To view the all the Succor the Southwest Tedx Talks, Click Here. Obodo's team works alongside other nonprofit organizations to inform our communities of the realities of environmental change. Focusing on the people, each organization uses its unique talents to provide resources for Black, Brown, and Indigenous Nevadans that are often left out of the conversation.
Read Full Article Here. Obodo Co-Founder Erica Vital-Lazare brings together a riveting collection of Black women in her exhibit Seeing/Seen. A commentary on both the hyper-visibility and invisibility of Black women and the reflection of the shared history and majesty that results in such raw power. The exhibit features many local artists as well as archived video, slides, and photographs.
Seeing/Seen curated by Erica Vital-Lazare Serving as Executive Director of The Childrens Advocacy Alliance and Advisory Board member for Obodo (just to name a few); Dr. Tiffany Tyler- Garner is committed to welfare of Nevada's children. In an article regarding the new child tax credit, Tyler- Garner expresses how this may alleviate some of the strain Covid-19 has placed on families. She also notes that the child tax credit may enable many low-income families to finally have some "breathing room".
Read Full Article Here. "Bills don't care that it is a pandemic", Henry's powerful words express how important paid family leave. As a wife and mother of four she understood the new challenges families now face during Covid-19. Detailing her own experiences with the pandemic, Henry reminds us that we should need to choose between taking care of family and providing for them.
Read Full Article Here. Obodo advisory board member Claytee White is honored amongst three other Nevadans for their consistent efforts in making a difference in our communities. White, an Oral Historian, takes pride in sharing the history of Black Las Vegas having learned the history from the people themselves. White is also a founding member of the Las Vegas Black Historical Society.
See Full Interview Here Community Advocates Prevent 18 Households from Being Evicted Just a Day Before Thanksgiving11/25/2020 |